We live the historical and archaeological history of these incredible places that are rich in metaphysical meaning, tapping into the cultures that held them proud as our journey maps these sacred places of worship, burial, birth, fertility, some enshrined in a magic layer that whispers to you of the spiritual teachers of yesteryear.
Re-discover the hidden wisdom of these powerful places.
Travel together with Dean Liprini, custodian of these sacred sites.
Dean Liprini is proudly associated with National Geographic photographer and anthropologist Martin Gray – www.sacredsites.com.
Dean Liprini is a Sacred Sites researcher and geomancer (earth diviner) who grew up on the Lower Slopes of Table Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa.
He is the founder and CEO of the Sacred Sites Foundation of Southern Africa. He has more than 27 years full time experience in this field and has authored a book entitled “Pathways of the Sun – Unveiling the Mysteries of Table Mountain and Beyond”, published 2006. He also has compiled a study/thesis in Archeoastronomy that carries the scientific research in 2004 which has recently been updated.
Day walks are a great opportunity to explore the various sites in the Cape Peninsula.
We annually schedule unique sacred site tours in collaboration with other scientists, archaeologists, modern anthropologists and metaphysical experts.
Special events to honour the sites during significant times of the calendar particularly Full Moon, Solstice, Equinox & also during Eclipses.